CLEANING – avoid rinsing the day your implant is placed. The next day start the following rinsing regime for 2 weeks :
a) Rinse with chlorhexidine mouthwash (Savacol) morning and night
b) Salt water rinses after meals – gentle non-vigorous rinsing only
Brush your teeth as normal avoiding implant site for 48 hours. On the third day you can start gentle brushing over the implant site. It is important to clean the implant site well to avoid gingival inflammation during the healing process. Bleeding while brushing is not uncommon in the early days after placement.
BLEEDING – There is generally minimal bleeding after implant placement so this should not be an issue. Pink saliva should not be a concern. If you have any bleeding concerns please call the surgery for advice.
PAIN – Mild to moderate discomfort should be relieved with over the counter analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. You will be advised if a prescription for pain relief is likely to be needed. Pain should start to resolve 2-3 days following implant placement. If you have any concerns about your level of discomfort please call for a review.
SWELLING/BRUISING – You may experience some swelling and bruising around the mouth, cheek, eye or jaws although it is not common with simple implant placement. An ice pack applied 15-20 mins on and 15-20 minutes off can help to reduce this. Any significant bruising should be reported to the surgery for review.
SUTURES (Stitches) – Will normally dissolve in 2-3 weeks and sometimes fall out sooner which is no cause for concern.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY – Avoid over exertion/physical activity in the first 3-5 days following surgery. It may increase bleeding or post-operative swelling and discomfort.
DIET – A soft diet is preferable for 2-3 days following surgery. If you find eating difficult ensure that you are drinking enough fluids (5-6 glasses/day). Eating will help you to recover more quickly and prevent nausea from pain relief medication. If you experience vomiting or nausea please call the surgery for advice on taking pain medication.
DENTURES – Please leave your denture out as much as possible in the first few weeks following implant placement. Avoid chewing hard foods directly onto the denture at the implant site. If your denture is pressing on the implants you will need to come into the surgery to have your denture adjusted. Any excessive forces placed on the implant in the first month may affect its healing. If you have a suckdown/essex retainer please leave it out for eating