Welsford Dental

How to care for your splint

Wearing an occlusal splint will help to resolve the symptoms of TMD and reduce the stress placed on the teeth and muscles from grinding (bruxing) and clenching. This will help to prevent tooth wear and cracks.

Wear your splint every night for at least 2 weeks to get used to the feel of it. For grinding and clenching you will get the most benefit from wearing your splint every night. For TMD sufferers it is likely that it will take weeks to months of wear to relieve your symptoms. You will be directed by your dentist as to when you should return for adjustments.

  • Excess saliva initially is normal and this will resolve.
  • Your bite may feel unusual when you remove your splint - this is normal and will only last a few minutes.
  • Dropping your splint may cause it to break.
  • Ensure your teeth are brushed prior to wearing your splint overnight.
  • Clean your splint with soft toothbrush and toothpaste, cold water only.

TMD sufferers: avoid eating hard, chewy foods that require you to open wide to bite into (ie. Apples, burgers). Soft foods that require less force during chewing will be most beneficial. Avoid yawning and holding your jaw open for long periods of time.

For pain relief: Heat packs applied over the sides of the face for periods of 15-20mins as required. Analgesia may be prescribed for you if necessary.